A New Game


Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World

A New Money Game is revolutionising EVERYTHING
Join us for FREE to learn the new rules…
FREE Online Summit: 11:00am AEST, Wednesday, 5 May

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Dear Reader,

For decades now, your financial life has been ‘under control’ of central powers.

By institutions.

By fund managers.

By banks.

By the market makers.

All these central actors have had a stranglehold over your wealth.

But in 2021, their power is FADING.

You might sense it.

But perhaps you’re not connecting the dots.

You see bubbles everywhere. Bubbles that shouldn’t exist coming out of a one-in-100-year pandemic.

You read about negative interest rates.

You see central banks ‘printing’ money. This doesn’t sound good, but what does it mean?

And all the while…interest in something called decentralised finance (DeFi) is soaring…

You’ve seen the cryptocurrency markets breach US$2 trillion in market cap.

And bitcoin and Ethereum making all-time highs.

But something much bigger is at work here.

Something that goes well beyond crypto assets going mainstream…

The old game…with its rigged rules…is ending

And the scaffolding of a an entirely new game is being built in its place.

As the founder of SPiCE VC puts it:

We’re on the precipice of what could be the largest transformational period in global history.

Cryptocurrencies may be stealing headlines.

But the whole financial world is ‘decentralising’.

Banks, exchanges, lenders, brokers and insurers are being bypassed.

And all kinds of things you used to have to do through middlemen or gatekeepers, you can now do through software code.

Investing, trading, saving, borrowing, lending, hedging…and earning an income. 

This is all brand-new.

It’s an entire financial landscape — being re-architected in real time.

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

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First computers changed the game. Then the internet. Now this…

And this evolution is happening right now.

‘Distributed ledger technology’ is about to disrupt EVERYTHING.

It will likely take a decade for this ‘new game’ to become the norm.

But like early computers and the early internet, it will be the earliest adopters who reap the biggest rewards.

For this reason, we invite you to register for a FREE event.

It’s called A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World.

Old rules are about to get trashed.

And new ones are being drawn up.

But where does that leave you?

And what moves can you make now to take advantage of what’s unfolding?

We’re about to give you answers.

It’s a free summit. As long as you have internet access, you can sit in.

We will help you understand this ‘new game’.

How you can invest in it…

And compound your savings in it.

For example, you’ll learn…


You may find it impossible to get a return from your bank savings right now.

But look at this…

Source: Aave

Some savers have already switched to this new game.

What you’re looking at here is a snapshot of the deposit rates you can get through various ‘stablecoins’ as of 6 April 2021.

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you.

Those are real interest rate yields people are getting on their savings right now.

Now, it’s not the same as interest from the bank. These rates are more volatile, for a start. You need to understand how these products actually work before you go near them (and we’ll go through all this on the night).

But those returns are phenomenal.

And the best thing is they’re not dictated by central banks. Traditional finance no longer has sole power over what you earn from your savings. 

We just entered a bold, new, free market for income.

A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World will show you how this new game is starting to be played…

As one of your co-hosts on the night, Ryan Dinse, says:

We’re talking about an alternate banking system. Where it’s not the Fed or the RBA that determines what income you make…but the forces of supply and demand.

Some of these income innovations are mind-blowing. And the beauty is banks have no say. They’re not even in the picture.

I’m going to show you how to use these tools to generate income, including one I’m personally using that’s currently offering interest between 16% right up to 31%…’

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

Please read our Terms & Conditions.

We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Think about what’s going on in the crypto markets right now.

All the big names going ‘all in’.

All the institutional money flooding in.

All the price records being hit.

But what are the bigger forces at play here?

This free summit will help you visualise where all this is going.

You’ll learn what the money world might look like in five years’ time.

So you can place your chips correctly right now…

Says Ryan Dinse:

Think about the early days of the internet. And all these dotcoms everyone thought would rule the world for a century. Yahoo, AltaVista, Napster, Lastminute.com, Pets.com. Many didn’t last 10 years.

Same’s going to apply to most of the cryptos and tokens that are famous today. Even the biggest ones won’t be serious new game players in 10 years’ time.

I personally own stakes in various ecosystems springing up that most people haven’t even heard of yet…’

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

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We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


The old model of stock market investing makes no sense anymore. Not to normal people.

You can see stocks relentlessly going up, even in a pandemic. How does that make sense?!

And so…we have a new system coming along…only just nipping at the edges of the old one at this stage.

The stock market going up and up is a prime example of centralised parties having too much power.

And we’re seeing the dangerous outcomes of that right now.

The new game is the pushback.

The very concept of stock exchanges, and the financial infrastructure around them, is being challenged.

Ryan Dinse:

In the 90s, internet companies rose up and gradually overtook oil and banking conglomerates to become the most valuable companies in the world.

It’s about to happen again…only this time it’s going to be decentralised investment ideas that will take over the dominance of the internet giants.

Think about that. The early-stage opportunities here are absolutely massive, and we have several for you today…’

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

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We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


2021 marks 50 years since the US dollar broke away from the gold standard.

It’s an anniversary that falls smack-bang into this transition period. 

As we’ll show you, gold won’t just survive in this new game.

It’s about to take a great leap forward because of it.

Your second co-host on the night will be Greg Canavan: Says Greg:

Blockchain tech is actually the gold bug’s best friend. It’s going to give you the ability to identify the ownership chain of every ounce of gold in existence. This is the future that awaits gold (and other metals) when the new money system tech starts to be implemented…’

WOODY PICThat’s just some of the ground to cover in A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World.

My name is James Woodburn, and I’ll be hosting this free event.

With me will be your ‘new game guides’, Ryan Dinse and Greg Canavan.

Ryan is perhaps one of the foremost experts on cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralisation in Australia.

He’s miles ahead of this new game.

Interest in Ethereum technology has never been higher than right now. In 2020, an average of $231 million in Ethereum was traded daily. And you’ve seen what its price has done so far this year.

But Ryan has been talking about the disruptive potential of Ethereum for years.

As he wrote to his readers…

Ethereum has the potential to be the foundation of every major new digital — and even physical — corporation for the next 100 years.

You can think of bitcoin as the future of money...and Ethereum as the future of corporations.

Back in 2013, Ryan was a member of the Digital Currency Council and already had a personal position in bitcoin — when you could buy one for under US$20.

Many of Ryan’s forecasts have seemed wildly out of place at the time.

In 2018, he predicted bitcoin would hit US$55,000 this year.

That seemed crazy.

It was when bitcoin had sunk to US$3,156.

But Ryan was right.

RYAN PICLooking at the price action so far in 2021, if anything, Ryan’s insane prediction was conservative!

He has also helped ordinary investors make big stock returns from the earliest days of this new game.

Ryan currently runs a portfolio of early new-game stock plays for his newsletter Exponential Stock Investor.

As of now, it consists of 13 stocks.

Look at some of those gains.

Then there are the crypto gains Ryan has guided readers to…

Past performance, of course, is no guide to the future.

I won’t patronise you by spelling out that cryptocurrencies are volatile, even in normal times. And these are not normal times. You already know that.

The point is that Ryan has been preparing for this moment for years.

From the world of DeFi to in-game assets, to collectibles, to a safe haven from the fiat system of money itself,’says Ryan.

These ideas — ideas I’ve been talking about for eight or nine years — are now being discussed seriously in the corridors of corporate power.

The mainstreaming of blockchain technology is something Ryan has long foreseen.

You should listen to him very carefully as all this starts to scale up exponentially.

But here’s the thing.

This disruption we’re talking about here extends well beyond cryptocurrencies, tokenisation, tech stocks, smart contracts and blockchain.

It’s about the future of
money and finance itself

For this reason, your co-host of A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World will be Greg Canavan.

Greg is head of research here at Port Phillip Publishing. We’re Australia’s biggest independent financial publisher with over 90,000 readers. So that’s quite a job. He sees a lot.

GREG PICFor years, he ran a popular newsletter called Sound Money. Sound Investments. In many ways, it foresaw the financial system endgame 15 years in advance.

Like Ryan, Greg believes there is nothing in the financial world more important than integrity and transparency.

And that capitalism should be allowed to run its course, without interference.

Unlike Ryan, Greg is not a crypto veteran.

He’s a recent convert to the ‘new game’…

Yeah, I have to say, I’m not a tech guy, but I’ve been working with Ryan on this for the last six months or so and the more I get into it, the more amazed and intrigued I am at the opportunities opening up. And the more I look at things through this prism, the more the current financial world makes sense.

Greg knows more about economics, history and the inner workings of finance than anyone I know. So, he’s going to fill that knowledge gap for us.

He’s also not afraid to call bullshit.

The inevitable shift to a decentralised financial system built on blockchain is now happening at breakneck speed. That is without question.

But in such times, you need a cool head asking sensible questions:

How does that work?

That seems too good to be true — what’s the catch?

Where does bitcoin actually get its value?

What are the weaknesses of this new system?

What are the dangers?

Think about the earliest dotcom years.

Lots of people lost a LOT of money by getting carried away there, right?

Part of the purpose of A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World is to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

Greg will be a much-needed sceptical balance point during our New Game presentation.

We’ll give you a framework for how to think about investing over the next few years in this radically changing world.

If you follow along, and see the logic, it could save you a lot of worry, and potentially MAKE you a lot of extra capital and income, over the course of this decade.

Above all, we want:

To teach you some of the new rules.

And to show you some tricks

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

Please read our Terms & Conditions.

We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

This really is urgent.

By the middle of this decade, the early manoeuvres will be complete.

Institutions, corporations, and whole cities and governments will have crossed the Rubicon.

You’re just seeing the beginnings of that now.

By the middle of this decade, tokenisation will be fully mainstream.

New ecosystems of generating income will have replaced the dying ones. (We’ll show you which ones Ryan is personally using to get interest right now…)

By 2025, many central banks will have their digital currencies in place (86% are drawing up plans as you read this). Bitcoin or Ethereum could well be the new US dollar…or something new altogether.

What I’m saying is:

The broad scaffolding of this ‘new game’ will be in place very quickly.

And the exponential innovations springing up right now won’t be ground-floor investments.

They’ll be the very board you’re playing on.

Our best bet is that this’ll happen by 2025/26.

If we’re right, by then you’ll have lost your first-player advantage.  

If you’re going to roll the dice on this, you’d best do it now.

No understatement:

This disruption/reimagining/reinvention is bigger than anything that’s going to happen in the world of investing in the rest of your lifetime.

But this is by no means all worked out.

We’re still in the very first chess moves.

That’s exactly why we’re holding this event!

Make sure you’re with us.

Register now — for FREE — to A New Game: Ideas, Strategies and Hacks for a New Money World.

To do that, just type your email address in the box below and click or tap the button.

When you do, I’ll shoot you an email confirming your spot — as well as an itinerary of the event.

It’s free. So, what is there to lose by sitting in?

I look forward to you joining us.


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Group Publisher, Port Phillip Publishing

Ideas, Strategies and Hacks
for a New Money World

FREE Online Summit - 11am AEST, Wednesday 5 May

Please read our Terms & Conditions.

We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.